Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Lagoon Day

Yesterday I took the girls to the lagoons at Ko'Olina.  As I mentioned in a previous blog, Trey and I said we would go to the beach every weekend.  Unfortunately Trey had to work yesterday so he wasn't able to enjoy the gorgeous day with us.  Despite the fact he was working I got the girls ready for the beach and headed out.  I wasn't by myself though.  I went with my two of my friends and their kids.  This made it easy for me because I had load of help from Erika and Abbey who just adore both of the girls.  I absolutely love going to Ko'Olina.  It is just so peaceful there.  The water was warm and the sun was shining bright!  It was a perfect day.  Riley didn't get out of the water except for about 15 minutes to have a little lunch and get a diaper change.  She was literally in the water for 3.5 hours.  I love the fact that she enjoys the water so much.  The lagoon is a perfect spot for kids.  There aren't any waves to knock them over.  The only thing I had to worry about was the fact that Riley has no fear and just walks out into the water on her own.  There was always someone with her, but she's quick so we had to watch her carefully!  I felt kind of bad enjoying the day so much knowing that my poor husband was stuck at work.  But I definitely enjoyed a nice relaxing day with some friends.  The best part was that while Hadley was napping I sat on the beach while Erika played with Riley in the water.  It was so nice for me to just be able to lay back and not have to do anything but close my eyes and listen to all the sounds and smell the fresh air.  Ahhh, it was heaven!  I can't wait to go back! 
And of course the only shot I got of poor Hadley was her sleeping again!  I promise next weekend I'll get a good shot of her in her adorable bathing suit that Kiki and Po sent for her!!


Terry said...

Put that on our to go to places, along with swim with dolphins, helicoter ride, and please make sure the volcano is active when we're there. Ready or not here we come. Yippppeee!!

Rachel said...

There is no active volcano on this island, nor is there a helicoter ride, but I could arrange a helicopter ride!! Lol!! I can't wait for you guys to come!!