Saturday, May 29, 2010

Just A Part of Military Life

I had to say goodbye to a very dear friend of mine last night.  I think other than having your husband go out on deployments the worst part about being in the military community is having good friends move away.  Erika was a complete blessing to me and our family.  I don't even know where to begin to explain what a wonderful woman she is.  Riley completely adores Erika and her 2 kids Elyse and Connor.  We've loved having them as our neighbors and friends for the past year and only wish they could have stayed here with us longer.  Riley would seriously be at their front door everyday wanting to see them and play.  Riley especially liked their dog, Leilani.  Riley would go with Erika to take the dog on walks and help give her a bath.  Erika and I became really close when Trey went into the hospital when his lung collapsed.  She helped me so much with taking care of Riley.  And then when I was in labor with Hadley, Erika kept Riley overnight.  She is the first and only person that Riley has stayed overnight with.  I wasn't even worried about Riley at all when I was away from her that night.  I knew how much Erika loved Riley and how much Riley loved Erika.  I knew everything would be fine.  That made it much easier on me being in labor and knowing that my first baby girl was alright and taken care of.  Even the next day when Riley was home with Trey and my mom and apparently wanted me and wouldn't stop crying, Trey took her over to Erika to get her calmed down.  She helped me again when Trey had his jaw surgery.  Of course that time she was taking care of both of my baby girls.  But it wasn't a burden to her at all because she loved them!  Erika was seriously like family.  I can't even tell you how much I already miss her.  It's hard to open up my garage and see her house and know that it's empty and I can't just walk over and say hello.  It doesn't make it any easier that Riley keeps asking for her and her son Connor, and their dog!  I was the one to drive them to the airport.  How did I get so lucky as to have to see them off??  It wasn't easy for me.  We got the Tahoe unloaded and then it was time to say goodbye.  Let me tell you, the waterworks were on full blast.  I think we hugged and cried for a good 10 minutes.  Poor Elyse and Connor must have thought we were nutty!  I just try and remember that Erika will always be in our life.  And it's not like we've lost her forever, she just moved to California.  So if we get stationed there next we'll be able to visit.  It's just hard losing someone you are so close to and someone that your children love.  I wish her all the best in California and can't wait to see her again! 

1 comment:

The Gunning Family said...

Bless your heart ... I'm thinking about you.