Sunday, July 24, 2011

Backyard Fun

Most of our weekends are spent outside.  There is no better way to be outside than in your bathing suit!  At least for the girls there is no better way, I prefer to keep my post three children body covered up for the time being!  Riley and Hadley wanted to play in the sprinkler so we hooked it up for them.  They spent hours on end playing with the sprinkler water, kicking their balls around, and Hadley's favorite thing, digging in the dirt/mud/rocks.  While Riley normally prefers to stay on the cleaner side, Hadley likes to get as filthy as possible.  I'm not exaggerating when I say that every time I bring Hadley inside after being outside playing, I have to stick her in the tub to clean her off.  Trey has nicknamed her "pig- pen," referring to character from Charlie Brown.  It suits her very well!  
Our weekends seem to fly by way too quickly, so we try to get the most out of them.  I like the days when we spend most of them outside because the girls normally sleep in a little longer.  I do mean a little.  Instead of 7, they'll sleep until 7:30.  But any little extra time I get is fabulous to me!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Emrey's 8 Week Check-Up

I can hardly believe that eight weeks have passed already.  Emrey is already 2 months old.  Phew, time seems to be going by so much faster the third time around.  Everything went really well with Emrey's check-up.  She is now 22in long and weighs 11lbs 5oz.  She is 3 pounds heavier and 3 inches longer than when she left the hospital.  It's always good to hear that your baby is growing well, especially when you're breastfeeding.  It reassures me that she's getting enough to eat!  The doctor was surprised when I told her that Emrey has already rolled over from her stomach to her back.  I was amazed myself when it happened.  I'm thinking that Emrey knows she's got two big sisters to keep up with, so she's getting strong quickly!  The worst part about this doctor visit was the fact that Emrey had to get three vaccinations.  Of course at this age they normally stop crying pretty quickly, and Emrey did settle down rather fast.  But my sweet, protective Riley teared up as she watched Emrey get her shots.  Riley calmed down once we got her a sticker!  I was super proud of Riley & Hadley who were both angels during this trip to the doctor.  Yay for another successful trip to the doctor!  I can't wait to see how much Emrey grows in the next two months.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Spur of the Moment

 On Monday, Trey found out early in the morning that he'd be leaving that evening for a trip to Singapore.  He was the lucky man that was chosen to hand deliver a few pieces of equipment needed for one of the dets from his command.  I was wondering how I was going to do with our three little angels, all by myself for three days.  I'm so use to having Trey here in the evening to help and occupy the girls while I clean up dinner and what not.  Here we go, a sneak peak to what my life will be like when he's gone for six months at a time!

I felt bad for Trey though because he was leaving here on Monday evening and getting back on Thursday, but would actually only be in Singapore for less than 24 hours.  It was 17 hours of flying there and then another 17 hours flying back home to Hawaii.  No thank you!  Trey HATES to fly, so I knew he wasn't going to be the happiest camper when he got home.  The girls and I skyped with Trey while he was gone.  And thankfully everything went really well at home.  The girls were exceptionally well behaved for me.  Trey brought Riley & Hadley home a treat from Singapore, a big Dora doll.  He was smart and got them both the same gift because they always want what the other one has.  So since he brought them the same thing they couldn't fight over their presents!  What a smart daddy!!  The girls were stoked to see Trey and they both loved their Dora doll!  Welcome home daddy and I'm glad it was only a three day trip!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fourth of July

One of Trey's favorite holidays is the fourth of July.  So it's a must for everyone to be in red, white, and blue!  I usually go out and get something cute for the girls to wear, but Madeleine sent the girls some outfits this year.  I am grateful for that because I haven't been getting out to do shopping as much with three kids who are 3 and under.  Everyone got dressed in our patriot colors and we headed over to Pearl Harbor to let Riley & Hadley enjoy some of the festivities going on.  They both played a few games, rode on the little carousel, and Riley went into a bounce house.  After about an hour we were all sweating like crazy and decided that we should make our way home and fill the pool up for the girls.  

We stayed in our backyard for the rest of the afternoon into the evening.  The girls played in the pool and ran around in the backyard enjoying the day.  Trey & I sat on the back porch just watching Riley & Hadley have a good time.  After our long day outside we got the girls bathed and I put Hadley & Emrey to bed.  Riley got to stay up for the fireworks show.  

We are able to watch the fireworks from our backyard.  Riley was so very excited to see them, especially the ones that looked like smiley faces!  After we saw the fireworks that came from Waikiki, Trey took Riley over to Ford Island so they could watch the show going on at Pearl Harbor.  Riley was extra excited that she was getting to go see another firework show.  When they got home Riley was exhausted.  It was a fun-filled day and I'm excited for next year when, hopefully, Hadley will be able to stay awake to see the fireworks with us!