Sunday, July 24, 2011

Backyard Fun

Most of our weekends are spent outside.  There is no better way to be outside than in your bathing suit!  At least for the girls there is no better way, I prefer to keep my post three children body covered up for the time being!  Riley and Hadley wanted to play in the sprinkler so we hooked it up for them.  They spent hours on end playing with the sprinkler water, kicking their balls around, and Hadley's favorite thing, digging in the dirt/mud/rocks.  While Riley normally prefers to stay on the cleaner side, Hadley likes to get as filthy as possible.  I'm not exaggerating when I say that every time I bring Hadley inside after being outside playing, I have to stick her in the tub to clean her off.  Trey has nicknamed her "pig- pen," referring to character from Charlie Brown.  It suits her very well!  
Our weekends seem to fly by way too quickly, so we try to get the most out of them.  I like the days when we spend most of them outside because the girls normally sleep in a little longer.  I do mean a little.  Instead of 7, they'll sleep until 7:30.  But any little extra time I get is fabulous to me!

1 comment:

Terry said...

Both those photos are priceless. Please send jpg to my email.