Friday, July 22, 2011

Emrey's 8 Week Check-Up

I can hardly believe that eight weeks have passed already.  Emrey is already 2 months old.  Phew, time seems to be going by so much faster the third time around.  Everything went really well with Emrey's check-up.  She is now 22in long and weighs 11lbs 5oz.  She is 3 pounds heavier and 3 inches longer than when she left the hospital.  It's always good to hear that your baby is growing well, especially when you're breastfeeding.  It reassures me that she's getting enough to eat!  The doctor was surprised when I told her that Emrey has already rolled over from her stomach to her back.  I was amazed myself when it happened.  I'm thinking that Emrey knows she's got two big sisters to keep up with, so she's getting strong quickly!  The worst part about this doctor visit was the fact that Emrey had to get three vaccinations.  Of course at this age they normally stop crying pretty quickly, and Emrey did settle down rather fast.  But my sweet, protective Riley teared up as she watched Emrey get her shots.  Riley calmed down once we got her a sticker!  I was super proud of Riley & Hadley who were both angels during this trip to the doctor.  Yay for another successful trip to the doctor!  I can't wait to see how much Emrey grows in the next two months.

1 comment:

Terry said...

Has it been 8 weeks already? I wonder of I've gotten any taller?