Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday

Every black Friday Trey and I get enjoyment from going out to the stores into the madness to see what kind of sales are going on.  Last year when we went out to shop for the girls on black Friday, everything I wanted to get was already gone.  So we have already done our Christmas shopping this year because I didn't want to miss out on the items I wanted for the girls.  So this year as we went out on black Friday it wasn't as much fun because we didn't buy anything.  I did get to take a step back and see just how crazy shoppers can be on this busy day!  I remember working retail during the holiday season.  It was a ton of fun, but long hours and a lot of work.  And customers never seemed to be too jolly!!  

After hitting up the mall for a bit I thought we were going home.  But Trey pulled into the Navy Exchange parking lot and from looking at the parking lot I was wondering why he would even want to walk into that place.  He wound up pulling up to the Christmas tree tent.  I got super excited!!  For the past three years we've just had a tiny little tree that's already pre-lit.  And when I say tiny, I mean we sit it on top of one of our coffee tables.  I've been wanting to get a big tree for awhile, but Trey wanted to wait until we got back to the mainland, so I always refer to him as the Grinch!  This year he realized that Riley understands what's going on and every time she'd see a tree in a store she'd get so excited.  So Trey surprised us by getting a real Christmas tree this year.  The smell of pine in the house is very refreshing!  When we got home I turned on Christmas music and Riley and I decorated the tree while Hadley was napping.  We were still decorating when Hadley woke up from her nap so then she joined in the fun.  Hadley helped by taking all of the ornaments in her reach off of the tree.  Wonderful!  I decided it would be best and safest if we only kept ornaments on the top half of the tree so that Hadley can't reach them.  We have shatter free ornaments, but Trey and I were concerned about her poking her eye out with the hooks.  I mean Hadley was flinging the ornaments all around!  Riley had a blast decorating the tree.  After every ornament she put on she'd say "oh, that's pretty!"  It was so much fun to decorate with her this year!

Oh, pardon the fact that we don't have a tree topper yet.  I'm in the process of finding one that I actually like!  

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving we didn't have any company like last year when both my mom and Trey's mom were here.  It was nice last year to have the moms cooking while I relaxed and took care of Riley and my newborn, Hadley!  I was excited to cook another Thanksgiving meal this year.  We kept it simple and didn't invite anyone over to join us.  It was just us and it was really nice.  I started cooking around 8am and didn't really stop until it was time to eat.  We were going to wait to eat until around 4pm but I decided it would be easier to eat earlier that way I didn't have to worry about making lunch for everyone on top of preparing our Thanksgiving meal.  It worked out perfectly because we got to eat a late lunch and then have leftovers for dinner.  Well I didn't have anything for dinner because I ate too much with my first helping.  But Trey dug in for seconds, and thirds!  The turkey I made this year was delicious.  It was falling off the bone!  I would post a picture but it's ugly because Trey started picking at the turkey before I could grab my camera!  To go along with the turkey I made gravy, stuffing, homemade mac & cheese, mashed potatoes, rolls, pumpkin pie, and my moms yummy strawberry shortcake dessert!  It was a wonderfully tasty meal!  

I had dressed the girls both in skirts so that I could take a nice picture of the two of them on Thanksgiving.  However, now that Riley wears underwear she doesn't like to keep her clothes on while in the house!  So I have a shot of Hadley in her cute little Thanksgiving outfit.  But Riley is in her panties playing with Hadley's birthday present, a cute tea set,  that she received from Aunt Leslie & Uncle Tim.  Thanks Aunt Leslie & Uncle Tim for thinking of Hadley!  We greatly appreciate your kindness!

I am so thankful for my wonderful husband and beautiful children!  They make my life complete!  I am thankful for the healthy growing baby in my belly!  I am thankful for all of my family that I can't celebrate with today.  But please know that I'm thinking of all of you and love you all very much!  

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Hadley!!!

I can hardly believe that a year has passed since Hadley was born.  I remember the day like it was yesterday!  I have learned over and over again this past year that no two babies are the same.  Hadley has been such a challenge.  She is so particular in what she wants and how she wants it.  Trust me, she lets you know when you're wrong and when you get it right!  Hadley has taught me to have patience that I didn't know existed.  She has such an infectious laugh.  When she starts her giggling you can't help but laugh right with her.  Hadley is a cuddly little bear that I could just squeeze and kiss all day.  She also has a set of lungs on her that could seriously make you go deaf!  With every different aspect of her, I love her more and more everyday and I am so glad she came into my life!

We didn't make Hadley, or should I say Riley, wait to open her birthday presents.  We opened them right after we finished with breakfast.  I think Hadley was a bit overwhelmed with all of the presents.  She wasn't quite sure if she should play with a toy or open another present.  Hadley didn't do much of the unwrapping, Riley took care of that for her!  Then Hadley just became obsessed with the wrapping paper and didn't care too much what was underneath!  She was completely spoiled by all of the family and friends who sent her birthday gifts.  We appreciate every one's thoughtfulness!!

After dinner we sang Happy Birthday.  Riley had been anxiously awaiting the birthday cake all day long!  Riley actually helped me bake the cake for Hadley.  The cake is suppose to be a flower.  We all know I'm so not creative, so that's the best I could do!  The flower petals were suppose to be yellow but I couldn't find the food coloring I needed, so I just put some sprinkles on top of the cupcakes.  Hadley wasn't too thrilled with us singing to her, but she was excited to bite into some cake!

 Can you tell that both of my girls enjoy a nice treat?


Friday, November 19, 2010

Prenatal Visit

I had my second prenatal appointment this morning.  I don't know if I mentioned this when I blogged about my first appointment, but I was told that I should only gain 15 pounds during this pregnancy.  I still had about 15 pounds to lose from having Hadley so the doc informed me that a 15 pound weight gain would be healthy for this pregnancy.  I chuckled a little because I gained 40 with Riley and 50 with Hadley.  It's not like I ate everything in sight either, I don't know why I gained so much with the girls.  So I've been very careful with what I'm eating and when I'm eating and just trying to not gain too much weight.  The doctor came into my room and started questioning me about how I've been eating.  She was concerned because I've lost 4 lbs.  I laughed and told her that I'm only allowed to gain 15 so what's the problem?!?  She explained that she wasn't trying to scare me into not eating and that I could gain up to 25 lbs.  I assured her that I'm eating plenty.  I have been pregnant twice before so I know that I need to feed my growing baby.  Perhaps my weight loss is coming from chasing after my 2.5 yr old and my now walking 1 yr old.  I explained how many times a day I eat and what I eat and that I really don't know how I'm losing weight.  I go back in 3 weeks and she wants me to gain 4 lbs.  Perhaps my Thanksgiving meal could help with that!  I had the girls with me during this appointment so Riley got to hear the baby's heartbeat and was really excited.  The baby still has a nice strong heartbeat which was at 160 bpm.  I always love to hear the heartbeat.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I had to go in today for a sonogram to find out just how far along I actually am in this pregnancy.  I was pretty excited to get to see baby #3 and find out when we can expect him/her to grace us with his/her presence.  Normally you only get one ultrasound at 20 weeks, but since we couldn't hear the baby's heartbeat at my last appointment I got to have an extra ultrasound to find out how big the baby is measuring.  It was a relief to see the baby moving all around on the ultrasound screen.  The baby had a strong heartbeat of 170 bpm.  It was pretty high because the baby was really active.  As of today I am measuring 12wks 3days which puts my new due date on May 28, 2011.  So I am two weeks behind what we thought I was.  I guess I found out I was pregnant super duper early!  I am just happy that everything looks good with baby #3.  Now I just have to wait until January to find out the sex!  Any guesses?

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Time Has Come

 A couple of weeks ago Hadley started taking a couple of steps. She would take two steps and then lose her balance and fall on her bum.  Then a few days later it turned into three steps.  On the night of Halloween while I was getting the girls bath ready Hadley took seven steps.  Of course those steps were interrupted when Riley threw a ball and hit Hadley in the head.  Hadley lost her balance and went down.  But I knew it probably wouldn't be too much longer before she started walking.  Last night we were in the play room cleaning up before bath time.  Hadley had picked up a ball and I asked her to bring it to me.  She walked across the room without falling!  It was about 15 or so steps.  I yelled for Trey to come in and see.  We kept having her walk back and forth between us.  I forgot how exciting it is to witness this momentous occasion in your childs' life!  Trey and I were both thrilled to watch Hadley walk back and forth.  Hopefully she'll get the hang of the walking and be moving on her feet all of the time.  Hadley was pretty excited with herself.  Trey and I have both been waiting for this moment.  Yay!  I'm hoping that my life will get a little easier with her being able to move around with another option other than crawling.  I know it will make playing outside much more fun!  My little baby is growing up!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Grocery Shopping

I make it a point to only head to the commissary every other week.  I make sure to stock up on what we need to ensure that I don't have to make an extra trip to the commissary.  I hate going grocery shopping.  Then on top of shopping I have to come home, unload the kids, unload the car, put the grocery's away and I don't find it to be a fun process.  I shouldn't complain about the store though, I should be grateful that we can afford to buy food with the way the economy is these days.  Anyway, there is a point to this blog.  I've never had an issue with the girls at the store, until yesterday.  I put Hadley in the front of the cart where the seat is and Riley always stands in the back and helps me put the food in the cart.  However, yesterday Riley wanted to walk.  I wouldn't let her walk because the commissary is always crowded and it takes longer to shop with Riley wandering all over the place.  Riley threw the biggest fit I've ever seen.  She was jumping up and down in the back of the cart, screaming bloody murder, and not stopping for anything.  I warned her if she didn't stop there would be no chance she was getting out of the cart, but that didn't work. I threatened a spanking(which I rarely do, especially in public) but that didn't work.  So I was that mother at the grocery store with a screaming child drawing all kinds of attention my way.  I was definitely embarrassed and frustrated and really wanted to just put a muzzle on Riley.  I just kept going through the store doing my shopping and ignoring my monster of a child.  When I was at the deli counter the lady helping me gave me a piece of lunch meat to give her thinking it would quiet her down.  Riley didn't want it and just continued on her screaming rampage.  Then the lovely deli lady went and grabbed two cookies for the girls.  I thanked her a million times over.  I handed Riley the cookie and she shut right up.  Now I am not one to reward bad behavior, but in this case if it was going to let me do my shopping in peace I made an exception.  Hadley wasn't crying at all but I gave her one of the cookies to keep her entertained.  Both the girls ate their cookies and allowed me to do the grocery shopping.  What a day!  

Later on when I was getting Hadley down for a nap Riley stayed downstairs playing.  Once I get Hadley down I normally take Riley up for her nap.  I came down the stairs to find Riley passed out on the couch.  She took the cushions off, put pillows on the coach and covered herself with a blanket.  I looked at her sweet face and wondered how she acted like such a monster earlier.  I mean look at that face.  She could do no wrong, right?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Rain, Rain Go Away!

The rainy season is definitely upon us here in Hawai'i.  Last week it rained for three days in a row.  That might not seem like very much to you, but when that leaves you stuck in the house with two children it feels like an eternity.  I guess I could have loaded them up in the car and gone to the mall or something but then I'd have to lug two kids from the car into a building in the pouring rain, which is not my idea of a good time.  We kept busy with coloring, building blocks, watching some movies.  The rain finally stopped last Thursday so I decided that after lunch the girls and I would go down to the playground.  It's been pretty hot here still but there was a really nice breeze blowing so I figured it would be perfect.  The breeze was blowing a little to hard for Hadley.  She is not a fan of super windy days.  Probably because there have been a few times that it's blown her over.  (Oops, I just laughed as I wrote that!  It is kind of funny though.)  The breeze which I thought would be nice was rather strong and then disappeared all together.  Once the breeze was gone we could feel that nice 87 degree sun.  We were all getting sweaty and Riley informed me that she was hot and ready to go home.  I was glad to hear that from her because I was pretty hot myself.  We did manage to have some fun for the 45 minutes we lasted at the playground.  I was happy for us all to get some well needed fresh air.  I am looking forward to the cooler days to come.  And by cooler I mean 80 instead of 87!  

 Hadley was not a fan of going down the slide today, but she normally is!