Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Grocery Shopping

I make it a point to only head to the commissary every other week.  I make sure to stock up on what we need to ensure that I don't have to make an extra trip to the commissary.  I hate going grocery shopping.  Then on top of shopping I have to come home, unload the kids, unload the car, put the grocery's away and I don't find it to be a fun process.  I shouldn't complain about the store though, I should be grateful that we can afford to buy food with the way the economy is these days.  Anyway, there is a point to this blog.  I've never had an issue with the girls at the store, until yesterday.  I put Hadley in the front of the cart where the seat is and Riley always stands in the back and helps me put the food in the cart.  However, yesterday Riley wanted to walk.  I wouldn't let her walk because the commissary is always crowded and it takes longer to shop with Riley wandering all over the place.  Riley threw the biggest fit I've ever seen.  She was jumping up and down in the back of the cart, screaming bloody murder, and not stopping for anything.  I warned her if she didn't stop there would be no chance she was getting out of the cart, but that didn't work. I threatened a spanking(which I rarely do, especially in public) but that didn't work.  So I was that mother at the grocery store with a screaming child drawing all kinds of attention my way.  I was definitely embarrassed and frustrated and really wanted to just put a muzzle on Riley.  I just kept going through the store doing my shopping and ignoring my monster of a child.  When I was at the deli counter the lady helping me gave me a piece of lunch meat to give her thinking it would quiet her down.  Riley didn't want it and just continued on her screaming rampage.  Then the lovely deli lady went and grabbed two cookies for the girls.  I thanked her a million times over.  I handed Riley the cookie and she shut right up.  Now I am not one to reward bad behavior, but in this case if it was going to let me do my shopping in peace I made an exception.  Hadley wasn't crying at all but I gave her one of the cookies to keep her entertained.  Both the girls ate their cookies and allowed me to do the grocery shopping.  What a day!  

Later on when I was getting Hadley down for a nap Riley stayed downstairs playing.  Once I get Hadley down I normally take Riley up for her nap.  I came down the stairs to find Riley passed out on the couch.  She took the cushions off, put pillows on the coach and covered herself with a blanket.  I looked at her sweet face and wondered how she acted like such a monster earlier.  I mean look at that face.  She could do no wrong, right?


Sara said...

Oh man, I feel your pain. Both our girls can throw some serious fits when they want to. Sometimes you gotta go with the cookie.

Terry said...

Just think of how much fun it's gonna be with 3.