Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday

Every black Friday Trey and I get enjoyment from going out to the stores into the madness to see what kind of sales are going on.  Last year when we went out to shop for the girls on black Friday, everything I wanted to get was already gone.  So we have already done our Christmas shopping this year because I didn't want to miss out on the items I wanted for the girls.  So this year as we went out on black Friday it wasn't as much fun because we didn't buy anything.  I did get to take a step back and see just how crazy shoppers can be on this busy day!  I remember working retail during the holiday season.  It was a ton of fun, but long hours and a lot of work.  And customers never seemed to be too jolly!!  

After hitting up the mall for a bit I thought we were going home.  But Trey pulled into the Navy Exchange parking lot and from looking at the parking lot I was wondering why he would even want to walk into that place.  He wound up pulling up to the Christmas tree tent.  I got super excited!!  For the past three years we've just had a tiny little tree that's already pre-lit.  And when I say tiny, I mean we sit it on top of one of our coffee tables.  I've been wanting to get a big tree for awhile, but Trey wanted to wait until we got back to the mainland, so I always refer to him as the Grinch!  This year he realized that Riley understands what's going on and every time she'd see a tree in a store she'd get so excited.  So Trey surprised us by getting a real Christmas tree this year.  The smell of pine in the house is very refreshing!  When we got home I turned on Christmas music and Riley and I decorated the tree while Hadley was napping.  We were still decorating when Hadley woke up from her nap so then she joined in the fun.  Hadley helped by taking all of the ornaments in her reach off of the tree.  Wonderful!  I decided it would be best and safest if we only kept ornaments on the top half of the tree so that Hadley can't reach them.  We have shatter free ornaments, but Trey and I were concerned about her poking her eye out with the hooks.  I mean Hadley was flinging the ornaments all around!  Riley had a blast decorating the tree.  After every ornament she put on she'd say "oh, that's pretty!"  It was so much fun to decorate with her this year!

Oh, pardon the fact that we don't have a tree topper yet.  I'm in the process of finding one that I actually like!  


Terry said...

What a great surprise! Way to go Trey. The photos are great.

Sara said...

What a gorgeous tree! It's beautiful and I bet is smells amazing. I love the shot of you and Riley decorating. Doesn't it make your heart melt seeing Christmas through your child's eyes?