Monday, December 6, 2010

I Can See the Light!

My life has been rather hectic for the past week, so let me catch you up.  I took Hadley in for her one year check-up on Nov. 22nd.  The doctor said that she is developing normally and appeared to be doing great.  Hadley is now weighing 21lbs 11.3oz and is 29 in. long.  Hadley was a perfect angel, once again, during her appointment.  She let the doctor do whatever she needed to do.  No fussing or crying from this girl!  It's always a relief for me when my child doesn't scream when the doctor tries to touch them! 
After her appointment I had to take her over to get her immunizations.  She had to get her MMR and Hep A vaccines.  My poor pumpkin screamed on both shots, but I calmed her down pretty quickly.  

Last Monday, we had to miss Riley's gymnastics class so that I could take her in to the doctors.  She had been coughing for almost a week and it was getting worse.  Riley wasn't able to sleep through the night and was sleeping in my bed!  Riley is not an easy child to have at the doctors office and never has been.  I had to sit her on my lap and beg her to open her mouth so the doctor could look into her throat.  I'm pretty sure she only opened her mouth for a nanosecond.  The doctor said her throat looked fine, but I seriously don't know how she saw anything.  Riley had her ears and nose checked too, and everything looked fine.  So basically I was told Riley was fine but was given some Robitussin for her to take a bedtime.  Ok, but she's coughing all day long so I wasn't really sure how that was going to help.  I gave Riley her cough medicine at night and after her first taste of it, I had to force her to take the rest.  She told me it was yucky!  After two nights of using the Robitussin, Riley was still waking up in the middle of the night with horrible coughing fits.  Trey went out at 3am one night to get her something else.  He picked up some Triaminic which is for children 6 and older so I was a little hesitant to give it to Riley.  But the poor girl needed something.  So I only gave her a few ml's and it seemed to do the trick and helped her sleep.

Last Tuesday, Hadley started to run a fever.  I just assumed it was from teething.  She was extra fussy and only wanting to be held by me.  I mean I couldn't put her down for a moment without her screaming bloody murder.  Her fever lasted all week.  It never exceeded 100, so again, I seriously assumed it was her teething.  I just kept giving her Tylenol in hopes that her teeth would cut through soon so that she would get back to normal self.  The constant crying continued all week long.

Thursday Trey wound up having to go to the ER.  He was having some major stomach issues and his doctor thought his symptoms might be appendicitis.  So Trey went to the ER while I was at home caring for my two under the weather children.  I was exhausted from my two sick babies and now worried sick that my husband was now going to have to have surgery.  I mean when it rains it pours!  After Trey had a CT scan it appeared that it wasn't appendicitis, but just a really bad stomach virus.  I was relieved.  

Saturday Riley was still coughing like a crazy woman.  I mean it was an awful fluid filled cough.  My heart broke every time I heard her cough.  It appeared to have gotten worse and she had been coughing for almost two weeks at this point.  Trey took her to the doctors and came home with some antibiotics for her.  This is the very first time Riley has ever been on an antibiotic.  While they were at the doctors I was at home with Hadley who was napping.  When she woke up from her nap I got her dressed.  I noticed an awful rash all over her chest.  It was time for her to go to the doctor because something wasn't right.  I took her to the doctor and found out that she was having a reaction to the MMR vaccine she received.  Reactions can occur 5-12 days after the vaccine.  So I was just instructed to keep giving her Tylenol for her fever and keep her hydrated.  My poor Hadley had the rash all over her chest, stomach, back, and forehead at this point.  I just wanted to cry.  Why is she having a reaction?  Reactions aren't common which totally concerns me for her next dose.  I took a picture of my poor pumpkin after we got home from the doctors.  She looks so miserable!  I tried to take a picture of her rash, but my camera died.  If her fever and rash aren't gone by Tuesday I was instructed to bring her in so they could run some tests.  I don't know what tests, but I guess that's what I will do.

So here we are now on Monday.  Hadley seems to be in a little bit of better spirits.  Her fever has gone down to almost normal and her rash isn't as bad.  Riley is still coughing but not as frequently.  I finally feel like there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  Of course now I feel like I have a cold coming on.  Go figure.  Perhaps I should have been wearing a mask for the past two weeks!


Sara said...

Geez, Rach when it rains it pours it right. I am so sorry. At least things are looking up now. I hope you can at least get some sleep to fight off your cold. Easier said than done, I know.

Terry said...

Holy Moly Rach. After reading this I just want to take a dose of Airborne and stay in bed until Springtime. Hang in there.