Saturday, December 18, 2010

Fighting the Sickness

 After almost three weeks of Riley being sick she is back to being a healthy little girl again, thank God!  Once I was able to get her to start taking her antibiotic she seemed to feel better pretty quickly.  Riley would only take her antibiotic if she gave it to herself though.  So I'd fill up the syringe and she'd suck on it like a straw.  She was so proud of herself every time too!  As long as she was taking the medicine I didn't really care who was giving it to her.  I just wanted Riley to be healthy again.

Hadley's reaction to her MMR shot went away after about a week.  The diarrhea continued for about another week but finally subsided.  This excited me because I couldn't take much more of the nasty diapers.  I mean, they were enough to make me gag!  Hadley's rash went away for about 3 days and then it seemed to appear again.  I took a picture, but it doesn't do the rash justice.  This time the rash only lasted 2 days and it's been gone since.  I'm not a fan of my children having reactions to immunizations.  It makes me not want to take them for any more, but I know it's better for them to receive them.  Hadley has been back to her normal self for a little over a week now.  Her and Riley are back to playing, laughing, and fighting together.  You know, that typical sister love!

I have been absent from blogging because now that my girls are back to being healthy I've been sick.  I caught Riley's nasty cough and I've had it for just over a week now.  It sucks to be sick.  It really sucks to be sick and pregnant.  I am completely limited to what medication I can take.  I've been taking Robitussin and using cough drops.  Neither are really helping too much, but I'll take the little bit of help I'm getting from them.  It's definitely not fun being sick around the holidays either.  With the girls being sick and then me getting sick I was rushing around trying to get every one's packages together and shipped off on time so that they'd arrive by Christmas.  This is the first time in 3 years that I've been really sick.  Trey tells me that I sound like I've been smoking for 20 years.  My cough is awful and flemmy(just in case you were wondering).  I'm trying to rest as much as possible but we all know that's limited with having to keep up with Riley and Hadley.  I'm hoping by Christmas I'm not coughing anymore.  That's all I want for Christmas!!


Sara said...

I think we had the same thing Rachel. I sounded like a smoker too and I can't get rid of the phlegm in the back of my throat. Every morning! It's nasty.

Terry said...

I am so sorry you are not feeling well. Hopefully you'll bring in the New Year as healthy as a horse.
Could Haldey's eyes be any bluer?

Rachel said...

I'm hoping the New Year brings me some health too! And I love Hadley's eyes!