Monday, December 20, 2010

Santa Claus

I've been wanting to take the girls to see Santa Claus for the past couple of weeks, but as you know they were under the weather and now I've been under the weather.  Last night after dinner, Trey and I loaded the girls up in the car and took them to see Santa.  Riley understands about Santa this year which has made talking about him fun.  I love when Riley says "Ho, Ho, Ho!"  Riley was excited to go see Santa this year and tell him she's been a good girl.  We walk up to get in line and Riley sees Santa and jumps into Trey's arms.  I guess talking about him was more exciting than seeing him in person.  I sat Hadley on Santa's lap and told Trey to put Riley on his lap.  Trey replied, "but she doesn't want to."  To which I replied, "put her on his lap!"  We couldn't get any smiles out of Riley, only a mean mug!  It's better than last year with Riley screaming in the picture!  I'm happy that she sat there until after her picture was taken.  I don't think you can really expect much more out of a two and a half year old.  I'd like to think the visit with Santa was successful!

1 comment:

Terry said...

That photo will definately go down as a classic.