Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Rain, Rain Go Away!

The rainy season is definitely upon us here in Hawai'i.  Last week it rained for three days in a row.  That might not seem like very much to you, but when that leaves you stuck in the house with two children it feels like an eternity.  I guess I could have loaded them up in the car and gone to the mall or something but then I'd have to lug two kids from the car into a building in the pouring rain, which is not my idea of a good time.  We kept busy with coloring, building blocks, watching some movies.  The rain finally stopped last Thursday so I decided that after lunch the girls and I would go down to the playground.  It's been pretty hot here still but there was a really nice breeze blowing so I figured it would be perfect.  The breeze was blowing a little to hard for Hadley.  She is not a fan of super windy days.  Probably because there have been a few times that it's blown her over.  (Oops, I just laughed as I wrote that!  It is kind of funny though.)  The breeze which I thought would be nice was rather strong and then disappeared all together.  Once the breeze was gone we could feel that nice 87 degree sun.  We were all getting sweaty and Riley informed me that she was hot and ready to go home.  I was glad to hear that from her because I was pretty hot myself.  We did manage to have some fun for the 45 minutes we lasted at the playground.  I was happy for us all to get some well needed fresh air.  I am looking forward to the cooler days to come.  And by cooler I mean 80 instead of 87!  

 Hadley was not a fan of going down the slide today, but she normally is!

1 comment:

Sara said...

HA that was funny! And I totally get you on those extra 7 degrees really feeling so much hotter. I'm so glad you got out of the house. I got crazy during rainy season too plus it makes you sleepy and lazy feeling, all those dark clouds and rain. So glad you got some sunshine!