Sunday, May 30, 2010

First Time

For the past month Riley has been climbing out of her crib every night.  This results in her banging on her door and screaming "Mama" at the top of her lungs.  It literally sounds like someone is attacking her.  I am not a fan of being woken up to that type of scream from my daughter.  It scares me to death as I go running in only to find that Riley wanted a drink of water.  Trey and I decided it was time for the "big girl bed."  When we picked out Riley's crib I wanted the 4-in-1 type so that her crib would convert all the way to a full bed.  We haven't bought the conversion parts to make the bed a full size but Trey could still make it into the toddler bed.  As Trey was taking the front of Riley's crib off she looked very confused.  Riley was telling me that daddy broke her bed.  It was really funny to listen to her and watch her reaction as Trey was working on the bed.  Riley's confused face soon turned to a face of excitement when she realized what daddy had just done to her crib.  Riley was more than thrilled to have her big girl bed.  She climbed right into her bed with the biggest smile on her face.  It was as if she knew she had reached another level of independence.  She started jumping up and down in excitement.  It was bitter sweet to watch her in her new big girl bed.  In the blink of an eye she went from a baby girl to a big girl.  Just another acknowledgement that Riley is growing up.  I guess because she is my first born it's hard to see her grow up so fast.  I think I could have kept her in a crib for much longer!  I was keeping my fingers crossed that Riley would do well sleeping at night in the new bed.  Since she was already climbing out of her crib, this bed made it much easier for her to get out at night.  Trey and I ran out to Target yesterday evening to grab a bed rail so that there wouldn't be any falling out of bed.  We made sure to get one that had a little cup holder so that if Riley got thirsty she could just grab a sip of her water and go back to sleep.  I'm happy to announce that Riley did awesome in her new bed.  She slept through the night and didn't get out of her bed until she woke up bright and early at 6am! 

Yesterday was not only the first time that Riley slept in a big girl bed, but she also got her first haircut.  Riley has some wild, untamely hair.  I can't stand it!  So I was thinking that if we took her to get a haircut it would start to grow better and have a little bit of style.  Trey & I took Riley to a place called Pigtails & Crewcuts.  They specialize in cutting childrens hair.  I figured this would be the best place to go because I knew Riley wasn't going to like getting her hair cut.  You'd think that since Riley got a cup of animal crackers, sat in an airplane with a steering wheel, and had a movie playing infront of her she'd be relaxed.  Well think again.  She was screaming with buckets of tears pouring down her face.  I had to hold her down and try to keep her still so that the lady could cut her hair.  Thankfully the hairstylist is use to children like Riley!  Her hair definitely feels healthier and she doesn't have the two random long strands of hair on the back of her head anymore, but that's all that looks different.  Her hair is still crazy wild.  Trey wants to know what he paid $25 for!  I don't know what I'm going to do with her hair.  Hopefully it will grow longer soon so I can pull it back.  And that's if Riley will let me! photos of the haircut.  I didn't have any hands available!


eliza kate said...

She looks so happy in her new bed. That last photo is adorable.

Sara said...

Yay for big girl beds. Riley is so cute in her new bed. Love the hair cut. She has adorable curls.