Thursday, May 27, 2010

When Mommy's Not Looking

Sometimes it's necessary for me to walk away from both of my children and leave them unattended for a few moments.  I honestly really don't worry that anything will happen to my girls either.  If Hadley is sitting on the floor I just make sure she had her boppy pillow behind her just in case she topples over.  And Riley is a great entertainer for Hadley; she's like a mini-mommy!  I normally only leave them to play amongst themselves if I'm unloading the dishwasher or folding laundry, or trying to use the bathroom by myself without my normal audience.  The past 3 weeks I have started to try and get back into shape and lose the rest of my awful baby weight.  Yes, I still have baby weight from my dear sweet Hadley.  So in the morning after I get both the girls fed, I get dressed and head out to the back porch to run on my treadmill.  I don't run for long because the girls just don't allow it.  But I normally manage to sneak in about 15 or 20 minutes of running.  So far, so good!  Riley is a big helper to me while I try to get my workout in.  If Hadley starts crying Riley comes outside to get me, but that only happens once in awhile.  Yesterday after I ran I walked inside to find Riley trying to keep Hadley entertained.  I had put Hadley in her jumperoo and told Riley to give Hadley a toy if she started to cry.  I guess instead of a toy Riley decided to give Hadley some attention!  When I opened to sliding glass door and heard giggling I wondered what was going on.  It was just my funny girl Riley swinging away and making Hadley laugh. Now Riley knows she's too big for the swing and isn't supposed to be in there, but Riley was just trying to keep Hadley occupied for me.  So I couldn't be mad!  I love how much Riley likes to be a big sister.  It definitely makes my life a little more easy! 

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