Wednesday, August 25, 2010

We Have Company!

Riley, Hadley and I picked up Kiki and Aunt Terry at the airport this afternoon.  Lucky for them, they flew first class so they were well pampered on their long voyage to see us.  Even though they got here in the early afternoon, I figured they would be way too exhausted to want to run around the island and sight see.  Instead we just layed low, hung around the house and watched Kiki play with the girls.  Riley and Hadley were in heaven.  I'm not even sure where my mom had the energy to play with the girls like she was, but she found the energy somewhere.  While my mom was throwing the girls around, Aunt Terry was relaxing, trying to finish reading her book.  Of course I don't really know how much reading she was getting done with Riley interrupting her every two minutes.  Notice in the picture below Riley's feet at the bottom.  That was when Riley was diving onto the couch trying to get Aunt Terry's attention!
It feels so nice to have some of my family here visiting.  It's especially nice that this trip for my mom I am able to show her around the island.  Her first time here we had just moved here so we didn't know much about the island or where anything was.  Her second visit was for Hadley's birth and we couldn't really go very many places seeing that I just gave birth and then had a newborn.  So for her third visit she gets to experience more of O'ahu and that definitely excites me!  I know that she'd be fine just staying at my house and playing with the girls, but I look forward to showing her and Aunt Terry the beautiful island I live on.  

Aunt Terry hit the sack around 5:00pm which was really 11pm for her.  While Aunt Terry was sleeping, mom, Trey & I enjoyed dinner from the shrimp truck.  Afterwards we went and played down at the park for awhile.  My mom managed to stay awake until I got the girls down for bed.  Again, I don't know where she got her energy from, but I sure wish I had some of it!  I'm looking forward to the next nine or so days with my mom and aunt!

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