Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Count is 4

Hadley's two front teeth on top cut through about four days ago.  Phew! I was so glad when those suckers popped through because my little one has a super low pain tolerance.  Nothing seems to cure Hadley's pain, except for constant crying!  Of course now that these two teeth are through I've noticed  that it looks like a couple of more bottom teeth are on their way in.  Hadley's teething seems so very fast to me, perhaps because she now has 4 teeth and Riley only had 3 teeth when she turned 1.  I guess I'm glad that Hadley's teeth are coming in quickly.  With the way she is responding to the pain I want the teeth to come in as quick as possible so we can get this over with!  I hate how helpless I feel though when Hadley is in pain.  I try everything to soothe her poor gums, but nothing seem to do the trick.  I've tried teething tablets, motrin, baby orajel(which she HATES), teething rings.  Since her last two teeth have come in she has been in a better mood.  But I know it's only a matter of time before those bottom teeth start giving her issues.  Oh the joys of teething.  On a happier note, my baby slept through the night without a single peep last night!  Hallelujah!  Of course I don't want to jinx myself so I'm totally knocking on wood right now!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Yay for teeth. Bella really liked sucking on ice cubes in a bag. Maybe not mama of the year idea but it helped and kept her busy. Bella's teeth are coming in slow! I hope they speed up like Hadley's