Thursday, August 26, 2010

Beach Time

After our hike we were all ready to grab some lunch and then we were heading to the Bellows, my favorite beach.  I drove straight to the subway which is right at the beach and was so looking forward to my sub.  We get everyone unloaded from the car, only to walk up to the door to find that they have a water main break and are closed.  WHAT??  I was so hungry and was craving subway during my entire hike.  I was completely devastated when I saw that sign.  The Bellows rents out cabins, so we wound up eating at a restaurant inside of the lobby area.  We all just grabbed a burger, which was nowhere near as good as the sub I had been craving, but it filled me up which was all I could ask for at that point.

Now it was time to hit the beach.  We got everything set up and I got the sunscreen on the babies.  Riley was immediately in the water and I went down there for a bit to play with her.  Then it was time for Hadley to eat, so Kiki took over playing with Riley.  After I finished feeding Hadley I took her down to the water so she could get some water play in too.  I was sitting with Hadley just where the water comes splashing over your feet.  I was having a wonderful time watching the girls play in the water.  Then, out of nowhere, I get a horrible burning sensation on my leg.  I quickly scoop Hadley up out of the water and look down at my leg.  Now, lets remember the last time I was at the Bellows Riley & I both got stung by a Portuguese man-o-war.  Go figure, that a month later it would happen to me again.  I didn't have the huge blue tentacle stuck to me this time, but I saw the red rash appearing on my leg.  I walked down to the lifeguard who sprayed me with some jellyfish spray, which didn't do a damn thing for me, and then went over to our chairs.  My leg was burning so bad I wanted to throw up.  Instead, I just sucked it up and enjoyed the rest of our afternoon.  I was just thankful that I got stung and not Hadley.  Kiki continued to play in the water and build sand castles with Riley.  Me on the other hand, I took a nap with Hadley.  Ahhh, sure did feel good.  Once Hadley and I woke up, we packed up our stuff and headed home.  Other than subway being closed and me getting stung again, I'd say we had a fantastic day.
(Thanks to Aunt Terry for the photos!!)

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