Saturday, August 21, 2010

9 Months

Oh my!  Hadley is nine months old today.  Goodness.  That means in three months I will have a one year old and a two and a half year old.  No wonder I'm going grey!  I took Hadley yesterday for her nine month well baby check.  My favorite part was the fact that I didn't have to take her for any shots at this check-up.  Hadley is now 28.5in long and weighs 21.5lbs.  She is in the 75% for both her height and weight.  That means that she had a growth spurt and is slimming down.  At all of Hadley's previous check-ups she was only in the 50% for height and was in the 97% for her weight.  She is still healthy as can be.  And oh boy is she getting more and more active.  She is continuing to be into EVERYTHING and pulling herself up on everything.  She climbs under tables, tries to climb the stairs, and just likes to explore every inch of the house and her surroundings.  Hadley is definitely becoming much more content now that she is getting around better.  Her laugh is the sweetest thing.  She is definitely a playful little thing and I just fall in love with her more and more everyday.  

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