Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Please Wear a Tutu!

It boggles my mind that Riley loves to wear her cha-cha's(dress up shoes) all of the time, but refuses to dress up in tutu's or princess gowns. Riley just hates it! But I always see how cute my adorable nieces look in their tutu's and just wanted to get a picture of Riley in hers. So I tackled Riley to the ground(literally) and got her tutu on her. She definitely fussed at first and then I made a game into it. I started chasing her around and telling her to give me back my tutu. She thought it was hysterical and began running around the house laughing like a crazy person! And of course I tried to take a picture of her but she's so darn fast, I either cut her head off or she was too close up for you to see the tutu. Here's the best I got!

I included this short video that I didn't mean to shoot, but thought it would be fun for you to watch her run in a tutu!!


Sara said...

Adorable! So stinkin cute. Riley looks great in the tutu and I love the picture you got of it. Better than any posed picture by far. Addie needs to give Riley tutu lessons! She'd probably tell Riley to go shirtless. Just seems to be her deal! Love you all.

Terry said...

When I'm a bluehair, I expect to get free tickets to all the Vegas Shows that my neices are going to be stars in.