Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A Little Bit of Hadley

I'm thinking that the torture of teething has begun for little miss Hadley. She has been fussier than normal which is completely awful. She is gnawing on her hand whenever she is awake. I thought at first maybe she was just really hungry but when I'd try to feed her she didn't want anything to do with eating. Hadley has one teether that she likes to use. I think it's because it's easy for her to hold and get into her mouth. This blue teether is pretty much the only thing that has been soothing her teething. Even though it hasn't been that long since Riley started teething, I really forgot how awful the process is. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Hadley's teeth come in quickly. Teething took forever with Riley and she's actually still getting new teeth. wonder I have so many gray hairs on my head!

Hadley isn't really the biggest fan of tummy time or laying on her back, but she's getting better with both positions. She's so funny with tummy time because she scoots herself all around. I sleep Hadley on her belly(just like I did with Riley) and sometimes she scoots herself all the way to the other end of her crib. It's funny when I go to get her in the morning and she'll be facing the complete opposite way from how I put her to sleep. She's a mover and a shaker! She'll probably be crawling before she rolls over!


Unknown said...

I don't think there's anything little about that niece is a li'l tanker. Them warnick babies is big. Give her a kiss for me.

Sara said...

Love the tummy pictures! teething started early for Bella too but she didn't get her first tooth until 9 months and she's still feeling the pain. It's a long process to get those big teeth like her Daddy's in!