Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hard to Please

It's true what they say- no two babies are alike. Let me tell you, Hadley is no easy baby! She definitely requires much more attention than Riley ever has. Riley was and still is the little girl who can entertain herself. Not my little Hadley. She needs someone in her face at pretty much all times. She likes to know you are there and there for her entertainment!! Riley has actually proven to be a huge help in this department. If I'm in the middle of doing something, whether it be laundry, dishes, vacuuming, or getting dressed, Riley will run over to her sister and play with her or give Hadley her binky. It can be frustrating at times when Hadley insists on being held and only wants to be held by me. But then she gives me her big smile or her adorable giggle and it makes all the frustrating moments worth it!!


Sara said...

Amen sis! Tough babies are just plain work! I am praying the third is an easy baby cause I have yet to experience it. It just gets easier as they get older. At 10 months Bella is much easier than at 4!

Rachel said...

The third?? Is there something we should know? I'm not so sure there will be a third here...we'll just have to wait and see!