Monday, March 8, 2010

The Next Travis Pastrana

So my daughter doesn't like to play dress up, but she sure does enjoy going for rides on a dirt bike! Riley literally had no fear on this bike. Trey drove her around and around and around. She was nothing but smiles! And so was her daddy! Trey borrowed this bike from our neighbors and I'm not sure he wants to give it back. Riley was enjoying herself so much Trey is now convinced that he needs to get one for Riley. He's certain he can have her riding by herself by the time she's 3. I'm not too excited about that idea. Can't I keep her my baby for just a little longer?? I like the idea of her being advanced. I just don't know that I'm prepared to watch my first born ride around on a dirt bike at such a young age and crash and hurt herself. I'm a fan of having her learn how to ride a regular bike first! Who's with me?? This is a great bonding experience for Riley and Trey though, so perhaps I should let my guard down a little bit. I'm still on the fence about the situation. I did have fun watching the two of them ride around on the dirt bike though. The smiles on both of their faces brought a ton of joy to me!

I took a little video of Riley riding on the bike. Please excuse my annoying voice!


Terry said...

Where are the helmets????
Miss Riley should not even be on a tricycle without a helmet. What is the world is Trey thinking? The only good thing about a mini bike is it doesn't poop in the house.
Your Safety Cautious Biker-Babe Auntie

Rachel said...

I know! I was wondering where the helmets were too. And then I remembered we don't have any!!