Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Check-Up Time

Sunday Hadley turned 4 months old. I couldn't wait to take her in to her pediatrician so I could find out how much she's grown. Healthy Hadley is now 23in long and is weighing in at 16lbs. 15oz. She is still only in the 50% for height and tipping the charts in the 97% for her weight. I honestly love having big old healthy babies!! When Hadley was being weighed the nurse referred to her as a little chunky monkey. Then we met Hadley's new pediatrician(due to lay offs her other pediatrician is cutting back on hours so we have a new one) who just couldn't get over how healthy Hadley was! Dr. Miley kept commenting on all of Hadley's rolls and how precious she was. I like this new doctor!! Dr. Miley also said that she was surprised Hadley didn't have a rash on her neck because of her double chin. I then had to be honest and tell the doctor that Hadley does get rashes on her neck but I just put diaper rash ointment on her neck at night and they go away. Dr. Miley said that is the exact thing to do...perhaps that year of nursing school taught me a thing or two! Or maybe that was just common sense. So after the doctor visit we had to walk across the hall and take Hadley for her 4 month immunizations. YUCK!! I seriously dread this part of the check ups. It doesn't get any easier to watch a needle go into your baby's thighs. Normally she would've only had to receive 2 shots because one of them contains 3 medicines. Unfortunately for us they ran out of that vaccine and had to give them all separately. This meant Hadley got 4 shots. My poor girl. I was quite upset at the thought of getting 2 more shots than normal but what are you going to do?? Hadley screamed bloody murder and Riley was saying "Mama, Mama...owie" and rubbing her own thighs. Immunizations completed and we headed to the pharmacy to pick up some infant Tylenol for my poor little pumpkin poo. As we waited for her prescription Riley gave Hadley some love to make her "owies" feel better. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that at the 6 month immunizations there won't be so many jabs into Hadley's thighs!!

1 comment:

Terry said...

The shots always hurt the Mommy more than the baby. Kisses on Hadley's owwie's from me.