Saturday, March 6, 2010

Almost Two!

Can you believe it?? Riley will be 2 years old in about a month and a half. Goodness gracious! It boggles my mind how fast the time passes me by. The other day I gave Riley a Toys "R" Us catalog that came in the mail. I told Riley to pick out what she wanted for her birthday. So Riley gladly took the catalog and started flipping through the pages. She took her time examining each and every item. I would think most kids would pick out everything they saw. My sweet Riley only picked out 2 things that she wanted: a slide and a storybook reader. I thought it was the sweetest thing in the world that she really only chose things that she really wanted. We were going to get her a slide for Christmas but they were sold out! Riley is a huge fan of the slide. I swear I fall in love with her more and more everyday!!

1 comment:

Sara said...

That is too darn cute. If it were my two year old she's have her marker and start circling everything remotely pink in the catalog! Is there something special she wants. I don't want to send another tutu and bomb again like Christmas! At least the sunglasses and food were a hit.