Monday, July 26, 2010


Apparently my writing on this blog has lead to persons getting offended.  It is never my intention to offend anyone by the things that I write.  I actually try to be very careful in my wording so that I don't upset anyone by any of things that I talk about.  But if you don't understand how I'm expressing things through my writing then perhaps you would get offended.  Let me clear things up.  My children are not perfect by any means.  I have written plenty of entries about wanting to pull my hair out due to the frustration I have felt as a parent.  I am not perfect.  Obviously.  Nor am I the perfect writer.  I didn't major in English so maybe I don't write things the way I mean for them to sound.  I do my best to keep everyone updated on my life because we live so far away from family and friends.  Now, I feel as though I'm not doing a very good job.  My blog isn't meant to hurt any ones feelings.  I just try to write about my life experiences as honestly as I know how to.  With how I'm feeling right now I think that I may just be taking a break from blogging.  I'm really hurt and frustrated that I am offending people and other people are taking what I write the wrong way.  I apologize to everyone that I may have offended over the past two years with my entries.  When I do decide to start blogging again it will probably only be about my family and nobody else will be mentioned.  I wouldn't want to leave anyone out or make people uncomfortable.  My apologies to all, especially to those that I am misunderstood to.


Terry said...

UNBELIEVABLE!!! I am closing Woofs & Whiskers so I can have more time to read your blog. So many of us get so much enjoyment out of it. Maybe whoever was offended by your blog should read mine. Let them see some of the photos I've posted of your mom. Now, I'm not sure if "whoever" reads the comments but if they do this is for them, "GROW THE FUCK UP", if you don't like what or how Rachel writes, start your own blog and stay off hers.
I love you Rachel and your blog.

The Gunning Family said...

Ditto. I am sure whatever happened was painful for you and I am sorry for that. I feel selfish to be sad that the rest of us won't be entertained by your blog and the photos of your family. We're thinking about you and hope that you know we love you and support you.

Sara said...

Having a blog opens up the possibility of people not enjoying it. It also shouldn't be cause for you to stop blogging just because of that one person or few people. Many, many people (mostly your close family) read your blog daily to stay connected to you and your girls. This blog is for your family and you write about your family adventures. I think you are a very careful and honest writer. No one is a perfect writer. If we bloggers were, we'd have book deals.
I personally think you should brush off the offended person's comments and keep on blogging. For your Aunt Terry, Aunt Donna, Kiki, your brother, and sister-in-law. We are your biggest fans. Love to you!