Saturday, July 24, 2010

Back to the Beach

Saturday was a beach day.  We headed back to the Bellows as requested by Toni.  We got everything set up and all settled in and the guys went and grabbed us lunch from Subway.  We were all enjoying the nice afternoon and the beautiful view.  Then we noticed some dark storm clouds heading our way.  Trey reassured everyone not to worry because the rain would probably last five minutes.  And from our experience that is a very true statement.  Then we all start to feel the drizzle come down.  That drizzle turned into a full on downpour.  That downpour lasted much longer than the five minutes Trey said it would.  The storm probably lasted about twenty minutes or so.  It felt much longer though with the cold rain pouring down on us.  Trey was under an umbrella with the girls.  BJ did the same thing with Harry.  Toni wrapped up in a towel because she was freezing.  I on the other hand grabbed my camera and started taking pictures.  I thought it was funny and it was even more funny to see how miserable BJ was sitting on the beach in the rain.  The picture below doesn't really do the rainstorm justice, but it's the best I could do with my non-professional camera!  Let's just say you can normally see the mountains in the background which are being blocked by the downpour.

After the rain passed it turned into another beautiful day here in Hawai'i.  Riley played in the water and the sand.  Hadley fell asleep on me which lead to me falling asleep on the beach.  Ahh, that was a super treat to nap on the beach listening to the ocean.  It turned out to be a successful day at the beach.

1 comment:

Terry said...

It Hawaii rain is called "Liquid Sunshine". I'm glad the storm passed.