Monday, September 27, 2010

Kaneohe Bay Air Show 2010

Friday we spent the day at the Kaneohe Bay Air Show.  We were there because I really wanted to see the Blue Angels.  Trey was told the show started at 11.  We were both crazy in thinking that the Blue Angels would be the opening act.  Once we were there we found out that they didn't perform until 3pm.  I was crossing my fingers hoping that the girls would hold out for four hours in the sun.  Luckily, Friday was for military personnel only which made the day so much nicer.  We didn't have to deal with the huge crowds that were going to be there on Saturday and Sunday.  We had prime seating with literally nobody next to us.  The air show started with skydivers.  The last of the skydivers had an American flag attached to him which was an awesome way to start to show.  Then there were all kinds of different shows being put on.  Trey's squadron, HSL-37, had two of it's helicopters perform.  They just basically did a fly by and then hovered over the ground while the commentator explained about the history of the squadron and the helicopters.  The picture above is of Trey and Riley posing by one of the helicopters from HSL-37.  Below is Riley sitting inside of the helicopter.  She thought she was big money sitting in there!
Hadley is snuggling up on her daddy!  Notice all of the empty seats around us.  It was so nice!
We grabbed some lunch and watched more of the air show entertainment.  The girls were both melting down because it was way passed nap time.  But the Blue Angels performance was only fifteen minutes away and I refused to leave.  Selfish, I know, but that was the whole reason I wanted to go to the air show.  I had Riley lay down in the stroller with her baby doll and told her to relax.  Then I walked around with Hadley until she finally passed out on my shoulder.  Oh boy, it was finally time for the Blue Angels to perform and both of our babies are passed out.  Not for long was my thought on the napping situation.  The Blue Angels were going to wake them right up!  Except they didn't!  Both of the girls stayed asleep for the whole performance and didn't flinch!  They must have been exhausted because those planes were crazy loud.  It was so much fun to watch the Blue Angels.  It takes a lot of talent to perform the way they do!  I had a blast though and was so thankful that the girls allowed me to enjoy the show!

Here is Riley passed out and completely oblivious to what is happening around her!
And here is Hadley, all hot and sweaty, on our ride home!


Terry said...

I likelike the Blue Angels. Not pronounced the way the it is in Hawaii.

Sara said...

Way to go on getting the girls asleep.