Sunday, September 5, 2010

Diamond Head- Take 2

Well it's Kiki and Aunt Terry's last day here in beautiful O'ahu.  I'm rather sad thinking about the fact that their time here is over.  But, I'm still going to make the most of the time we have left together.  We were going to hike Diamond Head before Aunt Terry went to Maui but then decided to save it for when she got back.  Of course now Trey has an injured ankle and can't help me get our girls up the mountain.  That's okay though, I'm going to tough it out and utilize the help of my mom and Aunt Terry.  So we get to Diamond Head and the parking lot is full.  This means we would have to park across the street, which in turn means we would have to walk about a mile to get to Diamond Head.  So we decide that I will just drop of Kiki and Aunt Terry and I'll stay in the car with the girls.  I knew they'd finish in about an hour, whereas if we had taken both the girls it would've been close to a 2 hour event.  Of course it was kind of crappy because I wanted to do this hike with them.  It's such a breathtaking view from the top, I just think it would've made a good memory for me.

So while Kiki and Aunt Terry were hiking Diamond Head, the girls and I were playing in the Tahoe.  I just parked at an overlook so at least I could have somewhat of a pretty view while waiting for Kiki and Aunt Terry to go take in an amazing view!  Riley, Hadley and I did have a fun time though.  Riley and I sang the abc's over and over while Hadley climbed all over the car.  The fun stopped after about an hour in the car and the girls had had enough.  I got them both in their seats and drove to see if Kiki and Aunt Terry had finished their hike.  When I dropped them off Aunt Terry told me to give them 2 hours and I knew it wouldn't take that long.  As I pulled up to see if they were finished I saw them sitting on a bench waiting for their ride!  Thank the Lord they were done because I had two children who were melting down.  Unfortunately we had to listen to Hadley scream for about the first 15 minutes home until she finally passed out.  Riley passed out right away.  Kiki and Aunt Terry had a great hike and were very grateful they got the chance to hike Diamond Head.  I was happy.

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