Thursday, September 2, 2010

Another Action Packed Day

My morning began with a trip up to the hospital first thing so that I could go check in on Trey.  Riley wanted to go with me today.  I was a little uneasy about taking her, but she was crying for her daddy.  So we went to Starbucks and picked up some breakfast and headed to see daddy.  Riley was rather uneasy sitting in the hospital room once she saw daddy hooked up to an IV.  She kept telling me she wanted to go home.  So after only about 30 minutes we said our goodbyes.  As we were walking out of the hospital Riley asked to be carried, which is rare.  So I picked her up and then heard little sniffles coming from her.  I looked at her and saw the biggest boo-boo lip and tears welling up in her eyes.  I asked her if she was ok and she said, "daddy no more walk."  My heart just broke.  Riley didn't think that Trey was ever going to walk again.  I comforted her and she calmed down.  Lesson to self: don't take Riley to the hospital again!

We got home and I took over watching Hadley so Kiki could hop in the shower and get ready for the day.  While Kiki was getting ready the girls were having some fun in the playroom.  Riley, surprisingly, was cooking in her tutu.  The surprising part there was the fact she was wearing her tutu voluntarily and smiling!  Hadley was in her favorite spot, with the shopping cart.  Hadley likes to pull and throw all of the contents of the cart out.  Then when it's empty she screams because she wants to do it some more.  So I put everything back in so she could pull it all out again.

Once Kiki was ready we were off to Moanalua Gardens.  Last time I took the girls here we didn't get past the fish pond.  So today we wandered past the pond to go explore the botanical garden.  Well we quickly realized why we didn't go any further than the pond, there really was nothing more to see.  The botanical garden here really just focused around these trees know as Monkey Pod Trees.  Apparently these trees are important in the Japanese culture and there are always bus loads of Japanese tourists coming to look at the Monkey Pod Trees.  Even though there weren't a ton of flowers to see we had a nice morning/afternoon.  Riley fed a ton of food to the fish at the pond and was in heaven.  Hadley just relaxed in her stroller and enjoyed the fresh air.

We went home and had some lunch.  I put the girls down for their nap and headed back up to the hospital to take Trey a late lunch/early dinner.  I got home around 3:00 only to find out that Aunt Terry caught an early flight back from Maui and would be in at 3:45.  Phew, no nap for me today!  The girls woke up from their naps and we all loaded in the car to pick up Aunt Terry.  Yay, we have Aunt Terry back!  My mom and I were both excited to hear about her experience in Maui and Aunt Terry was floored to hear about our experience with Trey while she gone!  Many stories were told tonight!

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