Sunday, June 7, 2009

Next Set of New Faces

I don't think Riley knew what she was in for with all the new faces she was going to be seeing. It had been almost a year since she had seen all of my family and she was only 6 weeks old. So everybody was very new to her. Riley of course put her shy face on at first when I took her over to my dads house so she could meet her Poppy, Grandma Kathy, and Uncle Tyler.
Luckily at Poppy and Grandma Kathy's house they have dogs. Riley has just recently begun to show interest in dogs. She fell in love with Gabby. Riley was chasing her all around trying to give her hugs and kisses. Riley's shy face didn't last long once she saw Gabby. Gabby became very fond of Riley too due to all of the treats Riley was feeding her. Instead of Riley eating her snacks, she decided that Gabby wanted them more. It was rather amusing.

I think my dad was a tad jealous of all the attention Gabby was getting instead of him! It was so nice to have Riley meet more of her grandparents. That's one of the hardest things with us living in Hawaii, not being able to spend time with family.

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