Friday, June 26, 2009

Getting Big

Everyday it seems like Riley is growing. She is now able to get herself on her little car and move it by herself. She goes up and down the stairs like a champ. I now have to make sure that anything on the counter is pushed back all the way or else Riley gets up on her tippy toes and pulls whatever it is down. She still isn't saying very many words, but she says mama, dada, hi, who dat and a few other things. Riley is also noticing how my stomach is growing and is always fascinated to see my belly. I ask her where is mommy's new baby and she points to my belly. She's a smart cookie! She's also at the point where she likes to test the water to see what she can get away with. I have to tell her no about 5 times before she believes that I'm serious. I think we might be entering the terrible two's a year early. But I'd rather get it out of the way now! Riley is still a blast to be around even though she has her moments. I love her more and more everyday. And I can't wait for Trey to come home tomorrow so Riley can stop screaming "da da" through the house all day long!

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