Tuesday, June 2, 2009

New House

I know it's been awhile since I've blogged, but I've been a busy lady! We moved into our new house on May 8th and it pretty much took the whole weekend to get EVERYTHING moved out of the old place and into the new place. Trey rented a U-Haul and his friend Mike helped him move all of the heavy furniture out. Trey pretty much did the rest by himself. Well Trey had to carry all of the boxes out that I had packed because they were way too heavy for this pregnant lady to be carrying. But I did manage to help move smaller things out. After getting everything into the new house we had the lovely chore of cleaning the old house and prepping it for inspection. If the house wasn't cleaned properly we would've had to pay an enormous amount of money to have a company come in and do it right. So, lucky me, we spent 3 hours on mother's day completely scrubbing out the old house. Let me tell you, I was one happy lady when we walked out of there. I started getting nauseous from all of the cleaning fumes. I am happy to report that the house passed inspection!

So after the whole cleaning chore and inspection was over we were officially in our new home. It felt really good. Except now comes the chore of unpacking all of the boxes and getting everything organized. I literally had less than a week because Riley and I were leaving that Sunday night to fly to MD to visit with family. And Trey was leaving Monday for 2 weeks as well, but he was traveling for work. I didn't want to come back from our trip and have a disaster of a new house. So I worked hard to get everything unpacked and put away. There are still a few boxes that need to be unpacked such as winter coats and computer desk stuff. But for the most part everything else was done. Finally settled into our new home and poof...off to MD Riley and I go.

I'll get some pictures up of the new house soon. And I'll be blogging about our trip to MD, but give me some time. I'm extremely tired since Riley is still on MD time and woke up at 3:30am like it was time to play. And there was no going back to sleep until her short 30 minute nap at 6am. Oh the joys of jet lag!!


Sara said...

Yucky jet lag! I'm glad you got home safely and the new house is done. Way to go. I'm impressed! Love, Sara

Terry said...


I'm so glad you made it safely back. It was great to see you and Riley. Love you. Give Riley a big sloppy kiss from me.
Auntie Terry