Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Hadley 411

I'm excited to announce that Hadley got her first tooth yesterday!  I knew it was eventually going to happen, especially with how fussy Hadley has been lately.  I'm just glad that one finally popped through.  It makes Hadley's cranky attitude a little easier to tolerate knowing that it's for a good reason.  I've been using teething tablets to help ease her pain.  Lately those haven't been working as well as they did for Riley so I've added some baby tylenol in the mix too.  Today has actually been a really tolerable day.  Hadley has been in a much better mood.  I hope the rest of her teeth follow quickly so that Hadley can be in better moods more often!!  Yay for Hadley getting her first tooth!  Just another milestone and reminder that she's getting bigger!


Sara said...

CUTE! Love those tiny teeth popping through.

Terry said...

You have the best nail(s).
Love You Guys,