Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A BIG Con of Hawai'i

Okay.  So I know I talk about living in paradise.  For the most part I do.  Hawai'i is absolutely beautiful and the weather is mostly perfect.  We have some of the best beaches in the world.  The kids get to play outside everyday of the year if they want, unless it's raining!  However, I don't really feel like I'm living in paradise when I find cockroaches in my car!  I just got chills typing that sentence.  A couple of weeks ago I was getting Hadley out of the car and saw a baby cockroach on her carseat.  Eeww!!  I knew right then that wasn't a good thing.  Whenever you see a baby cockroach you know that there are plenty more around.  I've spotted 8 more cockroaches in the car since that incident.  I've killed probably 4 of them.  They are quick little suckers and I can't always smash them fast enough.  Yesterday driving home from the grocery store I saw one crawling across the passenger seat.  I FREAKED out!!  I slipped my flip flop off and wacked it!  I am now refusing to drive my Tahoe until Trey bombs the car.  I can't drive around wondering if a cockroach is going to be crawling on me or my girls.  When I'm driving I seriously feel like they are crawling all over my body.  I am constantly rubbing my legs and arms because it feels like I have little legs crawling on me.  I'm also constantly checking the girls out in the backseat to make sure they don't have any on them.  So that's enough cockroach talk.  I just thought I'd enlighten everyone on life in paradise.  It's not always the best, but it is pretty darn nice!  I'll keep you posted on how many dead cockroaches we find after Trey bombs my Tahoe.  Stay tuned!


Sara said...

OMG, I am so with you about hating those things. The other day a huge one was in Bella's room on the floor as I put clothes away. I went and got the RAID and sprayed the hell out of it. Only to realize that you can't use RAID in babies rooms and it was her naptime!

If you vacuum the crumbs out of the carseats you won't get roaches in the car. We have the same problem. Just gotta keep the car spotless. Much easier when you have a driver to do that for you every day!

Rachel said...

The only problem is we don't have crumbs in the car because we don't allow eating in there! The car is clean, it's just one of those things!

I've never had them in our bedroom but they were all in our dishwasher before. I had Terminex come! Aren't they just gross?

Terry said...

...and the ones in Hawaii are big enough to saddle. Eeecckk.