Thursday, June 24, 2010

Flower Power

On the 21st, which was Monday, Hadley turned 7 months old.  Really?  This means I have two more months to finish losing my baby weight and that my youngest daughter will be 1 in five months.  How is it possible for time to pass me by so quickly?  Yesterday, Hadley had her second tooth pop through.  It's the other bottom front tooth.  I'm hoping this means I will get a few days of a non-fussy baby.  At least that's what happened after the first tooth came through.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed hoping I get lucky with a happy girl the next few days.  I'll even settle for one day!  Hadley has been getting into crawling position for sure.  She is up on all fours rocking back and forth.  The fact that she can't crawl yet doesn't stop her from getting around.  She is a mover and a shaker even if she's not a crawler.  Hadley rolls and scoots to get to where she wants to go!  It's so funny to watch.  Hadley is now doing the cutest thing ever!  Whenever you blow kisses to her she blows kisses back.  I don't know how she learned this little trick, but she did!  I think it's just from watching all of us blow kisses to her.  We all love watching her blow kisses, including Riley!  Riley thinks it's super funny.  Hadley can also now pull herself up into standing position when she's in her crib.  YIKES!  Time to move the mattress to a lower position.  She's getting so big! 
Riley is getting so big too!  New words and sentences are spilling out of her mouth on a daily basis.  I can't even keep up with the words anymore.  I do know that she will repeat almost anything that comes out of our mouths.  Yesterday I was working on counting with Riley.  I was trying to teach her 1 through 10.  After our little counting session all she kept saying was 8, 9.  It was rather amusing.  I kept wondering what happened to 1 through 7, but I'll take the fact she knows 8 then 9.  Potty training is still going on.  Riley has been voluntarily sitting on the potty, but not going on it yet.  I've been trying to get her to sit on the potty when she has to poo because I can always tell when that's happening.  Lately though she goes and hides or does it when I'm in the middle of feeding or changing Hadley.  She's a smart little cookie!  I'm not worried about it though, she'll go potty on the potty when she's good and ready.
I love the fact that Hadley lets me put headbands on her!  She doesn't grab them and try to rip them off, she justs wears them.  A friend made Hadley a couple of headbands and I think they are absolutely adorable.  I think I need to figure out how to make them and do it myself.  Perhaps it could be my new hobby. 


Sara said...

Those girls are growing too fast. Isn't it amazing with the second? It's like you turn your head for a minute and then look back and their not newborns anymore. I'm totally getting a kick out of all the milestones the second time around. HAving big sisters help. Hadley just wants to keep up with Riley. Riley will get the potty when she is good and ready. Addie hid to poop too. Those clever girls! Love you

Terry said...

Could your girls be any cuter? I still hide when I poop. I love the headband, make mine with polka dots please.