Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Evenings At the Park

The girls and I have been spending all of our evenings at the park.  It's been too hot during the day to go, especially with Hadley.  There isn't really any shade and it's not fun when you feel totally hot and miserable.  After we finish eating dinner and I get everything cleaned up we head down to the park.  Riley is always thoroughly excited.  Tonight she decided to take one of her baby dolls with her.  Riley told me that baby wants to go.  So who am I to argue with that?  The weather has been wonderful in the evenings.  Nice and cool with a fantastic breeze blowing.  I like to take Riley in the evening, not only because of the weather, but because she wears herself out before bed.  This has been a must the past few days because Trey has been out of town for work.  Trey is normally the one to chase Riley around at night and get her nice and tired for bed.  The easiest way for me to do it is take her to the park and let her run around with the other little kids that are playing.  We normally stay for a hour, sometimes longer depending on Riley's energy level.  She has actually been really good when I say it's time to go home.  I can tell when she's looking worn out and ready to walk back up to the house.  Playing at the park makes the night go by faster, especially when Trey isn't here. 

Riley can now climb this ladder all by herself.  Everytime she does it she is so proud that she claps for herself and jumps up and down.  She's getting so big!  I use to be a nervous wreck when she'd try to climb this ladder.  It seems like just yesterday that she was way too small to even try and now she does it all on her own.  Miss independent!


Terry said...

I'm glad to see Riley has her sensible shoes on. She'll be ready for the Koko & Kiki climb in August.

Rachel said...

Riley only owns sensible shoes: crocs and flip flops!!!