Sunday, June 13, 2010

Liking the Greens

I would think by now that I would stop expecting Hadley to like the same things that Riley did when she was Hadley's age.  I don't know why insist on comparing them because they have proven to be two very different babies.  I am still introducing new food to Hadley.  It seems like this process takes forever because she has to eat the same food for a week to make sure she doesn't have any allergies to what she's eating.  The newest food is green beans.  I had been putting this one off because Riley refused to eat them.  I remember Riley just spitting them out and crying.  Riley didn't like peas either.  She wasn't a green food lover.  That is one of the reasons I started Hadley out with squash, because it was Riley's favorite.  Hadley seemed to enjoy the squash too.  She's also liked bananas and sweet potatoes.  Hadley is a big fan of green beans though.  I was completely floored when I tried them out with her a few nights ago.  I was expecting her to gag and cry.  Instead she smiled and opened her mouth for more.  Hadley isn't a big eater, but she eats more of her green beans than anything else she has eaten.  I was delightfully surprised!  It was funny though because Riley came over to see what I was feeding Hadley, took one look at the green beans and said "EEEEWWWW!"  I had to laugh.  Riley's opinion on green beans obviously hasn't changed. 


Anonymous said...
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Terry said...

I don't think I could have said it any better than SadeRa.
71 days and a wake up.

Sara said...

look at that cute face! She's adorable. What a good little eater.