Friday, June 4, 2010

A Little Sunshine

I'm not going to lie.  My daughters have been driving me bonkers this week.  I think they are having a contest to see who can whine the most.  I'm not sure, but I think Hadley is winning.  There have been moments where I think I'm going to have to check myself into the nut house.  I mean I can only take so much crying.  Then I feel bad for getting so frustrated because I know that Hadley is teething.  It's just when you run out of options to try and soothe your child, I begin to think of ways to soothe myself and the nut house sounded like a good idea! 
Riley likes for Hadley to sit in the play room with her and sometimes Hadley will calm down when she is in there.  Hadley was extra fussy this morning so I decided to put her in the play room with Riley.  Riley gave Hadley some toys to play with and I went into the kitchen to unload the dishwasher.  Everything was nice and quiet and I was regaining my sanity.  Then Riley is yelling "momma, momma."  So I go running in thinking something is wrong.  Instead of running into a tragedy I ran into an adorable moment.  Riley put sunglasses on herself and Hadley and was sitting there hugging Hadley.  It's the little moments like this that remind me why I love being a mom.  I had to capture the moment on camera so that the next time I feel like I'm losing it I can just look at these pictures and remember just how good I have it!


Sara said...

Yes, let's be roommates at the nut house together on weeks like that. Sisters are so cute. Addie cheers Bella up all the time too. Your girls are so sweet together.

Terry said...

It will be nice when Kiki is there, and you and I can take off.