Wednesday, June 2, 2010

6 Month Check-Up

A couple of weeks ago marked Hadley turning 6 months old!  Even though she turned  6 months on May 21st, I couldn't get a well baby check scheduled until today.  I normally schedule appointments as much in advance as possible, but the time has just gotten away from me.  I can't believe Hadley is already half way to 1!  I mean seriously, does time actually go by this quickly??  I guess it does! the left is a picture of Hadley the day she turned 6 months!  Her shirt might say sweet, but she sure hasn't been acting to sweet lately.  It's been nothing but crying, crying and some more crying.  My only saving grace is when she's sleeping which hasn't been as much as usual! 

So at the doctors office I had already prepared myself for Hadley to be screaming during the height and weight measurements and for her visit with the pediatrician.  I honestly couldn't remember how she did at her 4 month check-up, but I do remember how Riley has always been since birth at the doctors, TERRIBLE!!  Hadley surprised me though.  She was a perfect angel during the whole process.  She didn't make a peep when I undressed her to get weighed and was quiet again as I put her clothes back on her.  When she was being examined by her doctor she was a little sweetheart.  Hadley was cooing and smiling at the doctor.  I seriously have never experienced that before at the doctors office!  It was wonderful.  Especially after how cranky Hadley has been these days.  The doctor was impressed at how well Hadley was sitting up.  She said Hadley was very strong.  Everything checked out well with my precious girl.  Hadley is now 25.5 in long(50%)  and weighs 18lbs 12.4oz(95%).  It was funny because the doctor assured me that she'd slim down once she started to crawl and walk.  I chuckled!  I mean I don't think my baby is fat so her weight isn't a concern to me.  Riley was the exact same way as a baby.  I love the rolls.  They assure me that Hadley is getting enough to eat.  Sometimes I would wonder if she was eating enough because she only breastfeeds for a total of 10 minutes normally.  There are times she'll go 15 minutes, but that's normally the longest.  Riley use to eat for almost an hour every time, so I didn't know if Hadley was getting enough.  Apparently she is!  Once again I am blessed with another healthy girl!  After the doctor we headed over to the immunization room so Hadley could get her 6 month shots.  I think I'm a pro at this now, but that doesn't make it easy to hear the screams come from your child when they feel that needle.  Hadley had to get 3 shots and screamed like a maniac for all of them!  Once I picked her up and bounced her around for a minute she calmed down.  Phew!  Glad that's over for a few months! 

I had to share this last picture with you.  Hadley looks like a sweet and innocent little girl, but watch out!  Hadley's favorite thing to do is pull hair.  I know first hand that it really hurts, she's strong.  Here she is pulling Riley's hair.  Riley screams and cries everytime too!  Of course sometimes Riley intentionally puts her head infront of Hadley so she'll pull her hair.  I think it's because Riley likes to hear me tell Hadley no.  Sisterly love!


Sara said...

I love those rolls too. Hadley has some serious rolls. Bella has nothing on your girl! Looking back it looks like Bella and Hadley have the same eyes. Cute cousins! I'm so glad she's a healthy girl.

Terry said...

Once again, I'm having flashbacks.
Your mother and me all over again, except I NEVER got yelled at.