Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hazel Eyed Girl

From the time that Riley was in my womb, Trey and I bickered back and forth about who Riley would look like. I was certain that since we were having a girl she would look like me because I look like my mom. But no, she came out a spitting image of her daddy! When she was born she had blue eyes. So I thought I won in that department. However, once again, I lost. But she doesn't have Trey's brown eyes either. I like to say she got the best of both worlds...a little brown and a little blue mixed gives Riley her beautiful hazel eyes. Now Trey and I get to tease each other about the new baby on the way. What will the sex of the baby be, who will the baby look like, what color eyes will the baby have? Maybe I'll win this time!!

1 comment:

The Gunning Family said...

I cannot wait to see her!! We are so excited you are coming for a visit. Love, Donna