Friday, April 10, 2009

Early Birthday Present

Let me start off by saying that I'm sorry it's been a week since my last post. I had a stomach virus for a few days and then Riley caught it, so it has been a yucky week. Now that she and I are both on the road to recovery, I have the energy to blog!

Riley received an early birthday present from her Aunt Toni and Uncle BJ. It's a personalized chair for our little princess. The best part about the chair was watching Trey put it together. He wouldn't listen to me, so it took a little longer than it should have! Once the chair was finished Riley climbed right in and thought she was the queen bee! She sits in there like such a big girl. However, Riley thinks it's a jungle gym too. She is climbing all over the chair. I'm certain there are going to be many bumps and bruises until Riley figures out it's just for sitting. But, Riley absolutely loves her big girl chair. Thank you Aunt Toni and Uncle BJ!!

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