Thursday, April 16, 2009

Happy Teething

For the past few days Riley has been the whiniest child on planet earth. Honestly, I don't remember Riley ever being so whiny and moody. I'm assuming it's because she's got some more teeth coming in, finally. But it's just so darn frustrating because it seems like nothing I can do makes her happy. The joys of motherhood I suppose! It's funny though, as much as she drives me crazy when she's whining the second she flashes her big smile at me, I forget all about her driving me crazy! I mean look at her smile, how could I possibly stay upset with her? I feel bad getting frustrated with her when she won't stop whining, but I blame it on my pregnancy. I think I'm doing a pretty good job at being as patient as possible. Hopefully her teeth will pop through soon so that my chipper little angel will come back to me. Well at least until the next tooth starts to come through!

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