Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sidewalk Chalk

 Riley's new favorite outdoor activity is to draw with her sidewalk chalk.  She is seriously a huge fan of the chalk.  She loves when daddy and mommy draw things for her too.  I'm not the best artist, so my drawings normally consist of flowers, butterflies, hearts and stars.  Sometimes I'll draw a little sailboat, but it seriously looks like third grade art!  Trey is somewhat better than me.  He drew her a big huge speed boat (which she is standing on the front of in the picture to the left).  The good thing is Riley doesn't care what you draw or how good you are at drawing it, just as long as you use the color that she chooses for you.  Riley likes to draw pictures of mommy, daddy and Hadley.  We all look like scribbles, but she's proud of her work!  Trey drew a hopscotch area so we were trying to teach Riley how to do play.  She didn't pay much attention to our direction and just kept running through the hopscotch game.  As long as she was enjoying herself I was satisfied!  I think she may still be a little young to understand the concept of hopscotch anyway.  Needless to say, we spend plenty of time outside decoration the road behind our house and the sidewalk in front of our house!

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