Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Rainy Days

First of all, I'm sorry I've been slacking on keeping the blog updated.  I have been feeling totally lethargic lately and any moment that I might get free is used for me to rest.  Honestly, the last thing I have felt like doing is sitting in front of my computer to type a story.  However, last night I got asked by Trey to update the blog.  He informed me that he enjoys showing off new pictures at work.  So I feel guilty because I know there are people that check in on us frequently.  These shots are from last week.  It rained almost every day which was actually alright with me because that meant I didn't have to go play outside.  Isn't that awful of me?  I did my best to keep the girls entertained inside though.  There was a lot of coloring going on for Riley and block building with both of the girls.  Hadley's new favorite thing to do is climb into Riley's chair and just chill out.  It's the cutest thing to just watch her sit in the big ol' chair like she is queen of the house.  I guess Hadley will be needing her own chair for her first birthday just like her big sister.  Riley isn't always the best with sharing her chair because it's HERS.  Luckily, Riley was being super nice this day and decided that Hadley could have the chair because Riley was doing flips and somersaults on the couch.  I'm guessing that was way more fun for Riley!

 I'm lucky with Riley because she always can entertain herself, which makes it nice for me right now since I have minimal energy.  And when I say minimal I mean I feel like I could sleep for a week straight!  Hadley on the other hand needs constant entertainment.  She's a handful.  Not to mention she is cutting some new teeth which has made her fussier than normal.  This has definitely not been a good thing because my patience is very limited at the present time.  I just try to walk away and take some deep breaths before I try to calm my ear piercing screaming daughter.  The worst part is when Hadley is screaming like she does, all she wants is for me to hold her.  Then I feel guilty because I can't just hold her all day long.  First of all, she's rather heavy and secondly, I need both of my hands at many points during my day.  However, we all made it through the last week.  I have seriously felt like a bad mother and wife because of my major lack in energy.  I apologized to my whole family for not being myself, but I sort of blame Trey since he's the one who got me pregnant!  Just kidding, I don't blame him.  I do know that this will be the last addition to our clan.  I can't imagine being pregnant and having to take care of three little ones.  I'm not trying to complain.  I'd just thoroughly enjoy my energy back so that I can play with my girls and cook dinner for the family!  Energy, you are welcome back to me at anytime!  Hopefully it will come sooner than later!  
This picture makes me laugh because Hadley is trying to push Riley out of the chair!


Sara said...

You are totally allowed to complain, It's not really complaining even. Just fact! You are pregnant and tired and caring for two kids. That is hard!!! I love the pictures of the girls. Bella pushes Addie away all the time. Those second daughters are the tough ones!

Rachel said...

I have to agree Sara, Hadley is much more aggressive than Riley ever was. She is a tough little cookie!