Friday, October 22, 2010

Another Frightening Day

After the day I had yesterday, I was excited to go to my first OB appointment this morning.  I mean there really isn't anything better than hearing your baby's heartbeat for the first time.  My appointment was early at 8am, so I was up before the girls were getting myself ready to go.  Riley woke up as soon as I was done getting ready, so I got her fed.  I had to wake Hadley up so I could feed her before we left.  I walked the girls down to my friend Abbey's because she was kind enough to offer to watch them while I went to my appointment.  I get to my appointment and see the massive amount of people that are there waiting to be seen.  I was thinking to myself, I'm going to be here forever.  So I grabbed a magazine and tried to keep myself entertained.  I was trying my hardest not to listen or look at the tv because it was on the Food Network and it was making me sick to my stomach.  I hadn't eaten because I was rushing around trying to get ready and the girls fed.  Whatever was being made on the show just wasn't tickling my fancy, it was making me sick.  I just kept my face in the magazine and was praying my name would be called sooner than later!  After waiting about 10 minutes one person was called into the back.  Once again, I was thinking that this appointment was going to take forever.  But then, about 2 minutes later, I heard "Mrs. Prewitt."  Wahoo!  I was excited to hear my name, but the people who were there before me gave me some mean mugs.  Not my fault their doctor was running behind!  I met with my doctor, who I found out is really a nurse practitioner.  She went over my blood work results first.  I'm happy to announce that I don't have HIV, syphilis, chlamydia, or hepatitis.  Actually I was pretty amazed that she actually sat there and told me those results as if I should be surprised.  My response was "well I wouldn't have expected my blood work to come back any other way."  Then it was time for my lovely female exam.  Once that fun was over it was finally time to hear baby #3's heartbeat.  I was super excited.  After a couple of minutes of Dr. Jones moving the doppler around on my stomach and not hearing anything, I got a little nervous.  Dr. Jones told me to just relax and she was going to get a physician to come in and take a sonogram.  You normally only get one sonogram here and that's at 20 weeks.  So during the 10 minutes that I'm alone in the room waiting for the physician to come in I'm definitely starting to panic.  I was definitely thinking about how stressed I was yesterday with Hadley locked in the car and that I must have stressed too much and done something to the baby.  It was the longest 10 minutes I've ever waited.  I was trying to just breathe calmly through my nose, but I don't know how well that was working.  Finally Dr. Jones came back with the physician who had a portable sonogram machine.  I was scared to look at the screen.  But once the doctor told me to look at the screen to see the strong heartbeat I looked.  There was a little tiny baby with a little beating heart.  What a relief!!  Apparently I'm not as far along as we thought.  Going by my last period I should be 11 weeks and 1 day, but the doctor was guessing I'm only about 9 weeks.  Since the sonogram machine she was using wasn't able to measure the baby I have to schedule an ultrasound so we can get a more accurate due date.  That made me happy because I've always had at least 2 ultrasounds with my previous pregnancies.  I came home and scheduled the ultrasound which will be on November 16th.  So I guess I'll wait until then to find out when I'm due and how far along I am!  I'm just happy that I've got another baby with a strong heartbeat growing inside of me!  However, I can't take anymore stressful events anytime soon!!

1 comment:

Terry said...

No more stress.....better send the girls to Kiki, and Trey to Bill.hahaha