Sunday, October 17, 2010

Little Piggies

I often wonder when I'm going to get to the point at meals when I don't have to wipe my children down head to toe after they are done eating.  Clearly with a third on the way I have years to go. It's funny though, Riley wasn't a messy eater as a baby.  I didn't even have to put a bib on her because she ate every spoonful I gave her.  Hadley is a different story.  She likes to eat what's on the spoon and then spit some back out of her mouth.  Then she likes to grab the spoon from me and make food go flying everywhere.  Riley isn't so much of clean eater anymore.  She always winds up with food all over her face and we always take her shirt off because she always manages to spill something down the front of her.  Due to the fact that Riley doesn't like to have anything dirty on her clothes, she eats topless!  I'm now introducing regular foods to Hadley.  I'm really cautious though because she has a horrible gag reflex and I don't think I could handle her choking on something.  She is a huge fan of mac & cheese, a girl after my own heart!  She also does pretty well with toast, bananas, and french fries!  But she has to feed herself  or the food won't enter her mouth.  Again, much different from Riley who let me feed her regular food.  It's true what they say, no two kids are alike.  I can only imagine what baby #3 will be like!

After I snapped the shots of the girls shoveling food into their mouths, I got one of them smiling!  These smiles make me not care about cleaning up the mess that they make of themselves.  I mean they are little kids.  Who cares if they get messy???  Not me!

1 comment:

Terry said...

Mac and cheese and chocolate pudding... Yummy!
...and don't worry, eating topless is going to be a big hit when Riley starts dating.