Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Patient

I'm happy to report that Trey was discharged from the hospital earlier today. My day started at 5:45am when Hadley woke up to eat. She went back to sleep 15 minutes later and slept until 8:15am. Normally I'd be totally stoked about that, however Hadley's big sister woke up at 6:30am. For some reason that's what time Riley has been waking up every morning for the past couple of weeks. I got both the girls dressed and fed and then off to the commissary we went to stock up on liquid diet supplies. While walking through the commissary I realized I hadn't brushed my teeth or my hair before leaving the house. Apparently I am not as on top of things as I thought! Or I'm just not worrying about myself enough as I have my mind on so many other "more important" things! Anyway, I finished up at the store, got home and unloaded all of the groceries, fed Riley lunch, fed Hadley and then dropped them off at my friend Erika's so I could go pick up Trey. I get into Trey's room and he's ready to go. We grab all of his meds and head home. Once we got home I started unloading all of his medicine and it honestly looks like I'm running a pharmacy! Trey is doing as best as can be expected after jaw surgery. He is strictly on a liquid diet. He has to eat through a syringe that is hooked to a catheter because that's all that he can fit into his mouth. He can't talk at all, though he does try. I can make out a few words, but we rely on Trey writing down what he wants to say. I don't know if it's easier to understand what Trey is saying or Riley! Trey's mouth will be wired shut for 6 weeks. I can't wait to see the weight loss results. Perhaps if the results are good I'll try the diet next!

Riley wanted her picture taken too!

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