Monday, January 25, 2010

The New Hotness

Okay, there is a new hotness in the way of eating. It's through a syringe hooked to a catheter! Come on, you know you wish you could ingest all of your food this way! After I made Trey some chicken broth I snapped some shots of how he has to eat for the next 6 weeks. Doesn't he look thrilled?? My only saving grace is that he can feed himself, however I am still doing all the prep work. Plus I'm in charge of managing his medications...making sure he gets the right doses at the right time and blah, blah, blah. I feel so bad for him because I know he's in so much pain. Not to mention I don't think a house with 2 kids under the age of 2 is really the best place to get rest. And I feel bad because I can't give him all the attention he needs(or rather is craving) because I've got the girls to look after too. I'm trying to do laundry, make meals for Riley and I, keep Hadley entertained, take a shower, do the dishes. Needless to say I'm exhausted. I've definitely had a couple of breakdowns the past few days. It's times like these that Trey and I both wish we were back in Norfolk so my family was close to us. I'm just praying for a quick recovery and a good night sleep. I'd like to know where my ya-ya is??? Anyway...I just want Trey to feel better. So keep us in your thoughts and prayers. We need them!!


Terry said...

Uuuuggghhh! You poor thing. Guys are hard enough to take care of when they're healthy. Do you want me to kidnap your mom and fly over?

Rachel said...

Oh yes, please do kidnap my mom and come see me!!