Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Riley has had 4 teeth since May. That's it, just two on the top and two on the bottom. She was an early crawler and an early walker, but not an early teether. So here we are at 17 months old and Riley's got teeth coming in left and right. However, I think it's worse as they get older because I feel that she is more aware of her pain. I'm glad that she's getting more teeth, I just wish they came in when she was smaller! I've been giving her Tylenol before bed to help with the pain and her mild fever but she has been waking up every night for the past week screaming bloody murder. Some nights it's only one time and other nights it's up to three times. Trey and I just let her cry herself back to sleep. I'm hoping the midnight wake ups will end soon so that I can enjoy my last 8 weeks of sleeping through the night! Perhaps my Riley is just preparing me for her little sisters arrival!! Anyway, Riley has 6 teeth now, with 2 more starting to pop through. At least that's what I can see right now.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Beautiful girl! Poor Riley with her late teething. Addie had most of her teeth by Riley's age and I imagine it's tougher when they are older. Hang in there, hopefully they will all pop through quickly.