Saturday, September 27, 2008

Banana Mess

This week we got to start Riley on her Gerber stage 1 foods! I was so excited to have Riley finally experience a different taste in her mouth. I'm pretty sure after 5 months of breastmilk she was more than ready for something different too! Her pediatrician informed me that she has to eat the same food for a whole week in order to discover if Riley has any allergies to any of the foods. So I figured that I would start my little cupcake out with a fruit rather than a veggie!! Riley's first food was bananas. She did pretty well with the food but wasn't exactly sure how to eat off of a spoon. While I was on skype with my mom(aka Kiki), I was telling her about what a mess I was making trying to shovel the bananas into Riley's mouth. Kiki let me in on a little secret of putting the spoon into Riley's mouth and just letting her suck on the spoon since she doesn't yet know how to eat off of the spoon. The next feeding we used Kiki's advice and damned if it didn't work like a charm! A big shout out to Kiki!! After that advice Riley has been doing absolutely marvelous with the Gerber food. It's funny because once the spoon is empty she starts whining for more food. I tell you, my girl can eat!

Now the bad part about this lovely gerber food is the fact that Rileys' poos are changing. I know that you all are dying to know about this! Her diapers are much stinkier and the poo is getting thicker. Are you hungry yet?? Well, yesterday Riley was in her jumperoo and she was giving me this grin. She just kept grinning at me so of course I think she's adorable and I start trying to make her smile bigger and have her jump high in her jumperoo. After a few minutes of playing with her I am knocked in the face with an awful odor. I knew she had done the dirty in her diaper. I picked her up out of the jumperoo and holy cow poo was everywhere! I mean it exploded up her back like never before. I didn't know what to do. I don't think they make manuals for baby diaper explosions. Perhaps I'll write one! Anyway, Trey was in the shower and I ran upstairs and made him get out because I had to stick Riley somewhere. I sat her in the tub and took her onsie off. Her poo was completely up her back. It was all thick and just nasty. As I was taking off her onsie the poo got all over her arms, then she wanted to scratch her back. Just an absolute mess! Trey is just laughing at me since I'm the one cleaning it up. Instead of helping he's snapping pictures so I can share it with all of you! It was pretty funny. Riley had never exploded like this before. I guess it won't be the last time she does either. I just thought it was funny and wanted to share my experience with all of you. Enjoy the least they aren't scratch and sniff!!


Sara said...

Those pictures are so disgusting and bring back many memories. Might consider moving up a diaper size if it starts happening often. Funny how the kids just smile cause the poop they just made felt so good to get out. The parents are left with the stink. We had many impromptu baths because of blow-outs! Have fun!
Love, Sara

Terry said...

I wonder if I should have left the banana of my cereal this morning? Great entry. I love the Holy Cow Poo. Love and Kisses,

The Gunning Family said...


Too funny! I remember those days well! Thanks for sharing and I am sure some day Riley will appreciate the fact that you shared this will all of is too!! Love you bunches,
